8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Mas Montagnette,
198 West 21th Street, NY
+1 843-853-1810
The global reverse logistics market is expected to reach $604 billion in the next 5 years according to Tech HQ.
E-commerce has been a booming industry for decades, but the COVID-19 pandemic is greatly accelerating its growth
Additionally, there is an increase in planned reverse logistics, as sustainability becomes more critical to businesses around the world. Many supply chains, especially in the textile and apparel industries, are changing their business models from linear to circular by including up cycling as a necessary step in a supply chain.
Reverse logistics is a sensitive issue for everyone involved. In particular, the returns experience directly impacts your customers’ impression of your business and service. You should thoroughly analyze reverse logistics patterns that are currently taking place across your supply chain before defining the next steps in upgrading your strategy. Look at historical data to help you understand the dynamics of returns in your business and extract valuable insights. These insights will guide you as you optimize your reverse logistics process.
It is impossible to see and interpret supply chain information in a beneficial way if you don’t have enough visibility of operations, shipments, and transactions. Visibility is a critical component of successful supply chain management regardless of whether it is a small retailer or a massive enterprise. Using sophisticated technology, like our proprietary TMS, is essential to centralize data and tap into hidden opportunities. Integrating a TMS system into your management style will give you easy access to the information you need to optimize your supply chain.
Once you have a clear vision of particular issues in your reverse logistics process, you can determine the next steps and start implementing the new strategy. It can be better load planning, route optimization, extending returns time slot, or expanding your customer support department depending on the company. Only through data analytics and consistency, it is possible to handle reverse logistics at scale. PLS leverages its sophisticated TMS to help you combat your supply chain visibility challenges. Learn more about our platform!